Saturday 14 December 2013

Planning for my front cover picture

For a my music magazine I am going to have to organise a photoshoot so I can get a variety of images I could use for the cover of my music magazine. All magazines have an image on the front of the cover that fits the genre of the magazine.The front cover is used in a visual syntax of a magazine. The majority of music magazines have just one person on the front as sometimes having multiple of people can make the front cover look unplanned and cluttered if it is not done in the right way.

 First I am going to take a variety of shots of myself and my two friends Jamie King and Sydney Canning. I am going to take both pictures of single people and also take coupled pictures so I have a variety of different styles.I can also test both of these different styles on my mock ups to see which works best. I am going to take a lot of eye line shots, close ups and midshots. I'm going to make some of these shots very fun and others very serious. In some shots I am going to have them looking straight at the camera and others looking away, others are going to be sat on the side a little and looking at an angle. These are the sort of images that are normally used on a front cover. I am going to make sure through out the pictures I take that I try a variety of emotions. The shots I end up taking will allow the audience to see the true emotion on the models faces. The models I am going to be using are teenage females. The reason I'll be using females is because I can do a lot more hair and makeup wise. I am going to have some shots where my hair is going to be down and curly, Sydney's hair is going to be up in a bun and Jamie's hair is going to be down and her fringe is going to be in a small quiff.
My images are going to be taken inside so I do not have to worry about what the weather is like or the lightening effecting what my pictures turn out like. I will be taking my images inside against a plain white wall. This will give my images the more professional look. I am also going to be using a table lamp so I can control  whether the lighting on my images are lighter or darker.I am also going to be using a good quality camera (Canon EOS 600D) so my images turnout really clear and aren't pixelated. The majority of the shots I take are going to be midshots and close ups.

Me and Sydney are going to be taking so more fun shots, we are going to take some shots where we mirror each other, some where we are laughing and hugging just simply to look as though we are having a good time.This will then make my magazine look as though it is interesting a lot of fun and as though a lot of things are going on inside of the magazine. I am also going to take some single shots of myself and Jamie. I am going to try a lot of effects out on the images of myself whereas with the images of Jamie I am going to do 2 different makeup styles. The first one I am going to have her wearing a leopard print top, I am then going to use a lot of bronzer on her face and use liquid eyeliner to draw a leopard print pattern. The next idea I have is for us both to wear a dark coloured top. We will then have silver glitter on our lips, silver stars on opposite sides of our faces and a little wash of eyeshadow. I will be wearing eyeliner and false eyelashes and Jamie will be wearing just eyeliner on the top of her eyes.

My mastheads.

I have decided to call my magazine loud.

Here I have created several masthead ideas that I may consider using on my music magazine cover. I have used a lot of different tools to create these. First of all I either used the text tool on fireworks or I used a website called 'Dafont.' To create these ideas I either used the fill tool and selected and colour and filled in the text, others I added a stroke around them and filled them with a certain colour. The first masthead I simply typed out the word 'loud' and deleted the 'o' so I was left with 'LUD' I then added a few spaces between the 'L' and the 'U' and when on the internet and found a paw print. I then added the paw print into the space. Using the fill tool I then changed the colour of the paw print. I also created mastheads that have a background. To create these I went onto the internet and found a background I liked. In this case it was the leopard print and the flowers. I then copied and pasted these into fireworks and made them into a rectangular shape. Next I used the text tool to type out the word 'LOUD.' This was then added on top of the background and then got flattened together so then it became one.For the ones with the black background instead of finding an image on the internet I used the shape tool to draw myself a black rectangle. Some of the text also had a small black stroke around it. I also created some mastheads where the text had an image within it. I created these by simply inserting an image that I liked. Next I used the text tool to type out some text, 'LOUD.' Next I selected both the text and the image, went to modify and selected mask options, then I selected group as mask effect where you can see the image is filled inside the text. Then I selected the pointer tool and dragged the best part of the image into the text. Next I went to modify and selected flatten selection. 

Name ideas for my magazine.

  • Loud
  • Music
  • Gossip
  • Glitz
  • Bliss
  • Chatterbox

Brand identity and brand values

Brand identity-
Brand identity is a visual element that can help you identify something. For example, to help you identify a magazine you will take note of things such as the logo, font, house style, layout, name, symobols, colours and the design. This is what helps an audience identify a music magazine.

Brand values-
The brand value is the extra bit of money that a company is able to make due to there product just because of the brand name they have.