Saturday 14 December 2013

My mastheads.

I have decided to call my magazine loud.

Here I have created several masthead ideas that I may consider using on my music magazine cover. I have used a lot of different tools to create these. First of all I either used the text tool on fireworks or I used a website called 'Dafont.' To create these ideas I either used the fill tool and selected and colour and filled in the text, others I added a stroke around them and filled them with a certain colour. The first masthead I simply typed out the word 'loud' and deleted the 'o' so I was left with 'LUD' I then added a few spaces between the 'L' and the 'U' and when on the internet and found a paw print. I then added the paw print into the space. Using the fill tool I then changed the colour of the paw print. I also created mastheads that have a background. To create these I went onto the internet and found a background I liked. In this case it was the leopard print and the flowers. I then copied and pasted these into fireworks and made them into a rectangular shape. Next I used the text tool to type out the word 'LOUD.' This was then added on top of the background and then got flattened together so then it became one.For the ones with the black background instead of finding an image on the internet I used the shape tool to draw myself a black rectangle. Some of the text also had a small black stroke around it. I also created some mastheads where the text had an image within it. I created these by simply inserting an image that I liked. Next I used the text tool to type out some text, 'LOUD.' Next I selected both the text and the image, went to modify and selected mask options, then I selected group as mask effect where you can see the image is filled inside the text. Then I selected the pointer tool and dragged the best part of the image into the text. Next I went to modify and selected flatten selection. 

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