Tuesday 14 January 2014

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Loud have had an interview with the girls from 'DoubleTrouble' to see how things are and what we can be expecting from them in the next year. DoubleTrouble were two girls that began singing on youtube as a hobby to see what reaction they could get from viewers. Little did they know they were liked a lot more than they expected, the views on there videos went up in hours, they got thousands of followers on twitter and thanks to the fans the girls have become a lot bigger than they expected.

Hello girls,how has this experience been for you so far?

Phoebe: This has been one of the best things that has happened to us
Jamie: Yeah, the experience has been amazing, we couldn't ask for anymore

What Inspired you to do what you're doing?
Jamie: Well we always used to sing ever since we were little and always said we wanted to get as big  as our favourite artists
Phoebe: Exactly, that's what led us to work hard and to keep on trying

So 'Loud' really love you're new single, will the genre consist through out the album or will we be hearing new things?

Phoebe: well we don't want to ruin to much for the fans but let's just say you'll be hearing a variety of things through out

Wow that sounds interesting! So guys what 'Loud' really want to know is do you have any celebrity crushes?

Jamie: Phoebe is mad on Harry Styles! She absolutely adore's him she never shuts up about him
Phoebe: well...haha, I wouldn't say mad

Is this true Phoebe? How about you Jamie?

Phoebe: Ok yeah it's true I loved him ever since I seen him on the X Factor
Jamie: And know she obsessed haha! I really like Peter Andre I think he is amazing

What do you enjoy most about your singing career?

Jamie: we just like being on the road, having fun meeting the fans and just doing what we are doing
Phoebe: Yeah, I mean I'm so thankful to the fans because if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be doing what we're doing, we wouldn't be able to have the fun that we are having

So girls, the fans have asked us to ask you, who do you style yourself after because your fashion sense is all very different?

Phoebe: well, personally I don't style myself after anyone I feel very unique in myself I don't really like to follow the crowd, I like to be very individual, I just wear what I personally think is good and don't worry about anybody elses opinion, ill wear things when they're out of fashion, I don't like to be seen to be a sheep haha!
Jamie: Yeah I'm the same, but where as I do look at different peoples styles and sometimes model what I wear after them but at the end of the day its all down to individuality

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