Monday 27 January 2014

Magazine front covers

First Mock-up

Second Mock-up

This is not my final front cover but this is the overall all idea of what it will look like, I am going to be making a lot of changes as I go along.

Here I have simply started to add the conventions of a music magazine. I started by changing the dimensions of the page.   selecting one of my images I had taken. Next I found an image of a barcode and copied and pasted it into fireworks. A message had come up asking if I wanted to resample it, this is where I simply selected 'Resample.' To create the masthead I used the shape tool to draw my self a rectangle at the top of the page. I then used the fill tool to fill it black. This already made my masthead look bold and stand out. I then selected a simple font and typed out the word 'LOUD' in capitals. I added spaces in between each letter so my masthead makes good use of its space. Next I selected a different  font so I could type out 'All The Gossip You Need.' This was then changed into white and set into a small text size and is located under the title of the magazine, also known as the masthead. Then I changed back to the font I used for my masthead so I could use the text tool to type up the price and the issue number of my magazine.Next I wanted to create a pug. I have done this by using the shape tool again and creating two circles.

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