Friday 29 November 2013

Layouts for my front cover

Here I designed 8 different layouts that I could consider using when it comes to creating my music magazine. Every magazine has its own layout which helps add to its own brand identity. I would like my layout to be none cluttered and for everything to be placed away neatly. Id like it all to be in line so the main focus is the imagine on the front.

Questionnaire results and Pie charts

1.       What is your favourite thing to read about in music magazines?
        Boy bands= 12
         Girl groups= 4
         Gossip= 2
    Female singers= 3
        Male singers= 4

2.       How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?
       £1 - £1.99= 12
        £2 – £2.99= 13
        £3 - £3.99= 0
        £4+ = 0

3.       In an interview with a celebrity do you prefer?
                                                       Continuous text = 8
       Questions and answers= 17

4.       What colour scheme do you prefer?
         Black and white= 8
         Girly colours= 11
       Pastel= 0
        Warm= 0
         Cold= 0
         Primary colours= 0
       Bright, bold colours= 6

5.       What is it that makes you buy music magazines?
         The image that’s on the front cover= 16
         The name of the magazine = 0
       You normally buy this magazine= 6
         The headlines= 0
         The singers that are featured in it= 3
       Other= 0
If you have selected other please state what here:

6.       What do you like to read in a music magazine?
    Different reviews= 0
    Interviews= 12
   Fashion= 6
  Quizzes= 1
 Concerts= 6
Other= 0
If you have selected other please state what here:

7.       What artists would you like to see feature in the music magazine?
   Olly Murs= 2
   Ed Sheeran= 3
    Jessie J= 1
    Robin Thicke= 1
    Little Mix= 4
   Katy Perry=1
   Union J= 2
   One Direction= 6
   The Vamps= 3
   Ellie Goulding= 1
   Lady gaga= 1

8.       Why do you like music magazines?
   Quizzes= 6
   Concerts= 4
   Interviews= 5
   Gossip= 7
   They’re interesting= 2
   Looking at the clothes= 1

9.       How often do you buy music magazines?
   Once a month= 7
   Twice a week= 6
   Twice a month= 1
   Once a week= 10
   Three times a month= 1

This pie chart shows that the audience of my music magazine prefers to read more about boy bands.

This pie chart shows that most my audience would pay for a music magazine is £2-£2.99.
This means I need t make my magazine worth the price.
This pie chart shows that most my audience prefer to read questions and answers than continuous text, this means I need to include as many question and answers as possible.

This pie chart shows that girly colours are the most popular with my audience. This means that I am going to have use colours such as pinks and purples etc to attract my audience.

This pie chart shows that most my audience buy a music magazine due to what image is on the front of the magazine. This means I am going to have to have an interesting, good quality, unique image on the front.

This pie chart shows that most my audience like to read different interviews in magazines. This means that I will have to advertise different interviews on the front cover of my magazine to attract my audience to the magazine.

This pie chart shows that most my audience like music magazines due to the gossip that is inside. this means that I will have to advertise on the front cover the most interesting pieces of gossip that is inside as it will attract my audience to my music magazine and it will make them want to buy it.

This pie chart shows that most my audience buy music magazines regularly, the majority of my audience buy them once a week so I will have to keep up to date and advertise the next issue. this means I will also need to think of fresh ideas for the next issue of my music magazine. 

This pie chart shows that most of my audience like to see one direction featured in music magazines. this means that I will have to do some advertisement on one direction so my audience is attracted more to my music magazine.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Denotation & Connotation

Connotation-Connotation is the associations that are connected to a particular words or if  there is emotional suggestions that are related to the word. The connotative meanings of a word exist together with the denotative meanings. For example you could say the connotations for a devil are Evil, Mean, Cruel, Trouble. You could say that the connotation is a suggested meaning and an association to a denotation.

Denotation- Denotation is when you describe what you can see in a lot of  detail. It can also be explain as  a literal reading of the image itself.


1.       What is your favourite thing to read about in music magazines?
·         Boy bands [   ]
·         Girl groups [   ]
·         Gossip [   ]
·         Female singers [   ]
·         Male singers [   ]

2.       How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?
·         £1 - £1.99 [   ]
·         £2 – £2.99 [   ]
·         £3 - £3.99 [   ]
·         £4+ [   ]

3.       In an interview with a celebrity do you prefer?
·         Continuous text [   ]
·         Questions and answers [   ]

4.       What colour scheme do you prefer?
·         Black and white [   ]
·         Girly colours [   ]
·         Pastel [   ]
·         Warm [   ]
·         Cold [   ]
·         Primary colours [   ]
·         Bright, bold colours [   ]

5.       What is it that makes you buy music magazines?
·         The image that’s on the front cover [   ]
·         The name of the magazine [   ]
·         You normally buy this magazine [   ]
·         The headlines [   ]
·         The singers that are featured in it [   ]
·         Other [   ]
If you have selected other please state what here:

6.       What do you like to read in a music magazine?
·         Different reviews [   ]
·         Interviews [   ]
·         Fashion [   ]
·         Quizzes [   ]
·         Concerts [   ]
·         Other [   ]
If you have selected other please state what here:

7.       What artists would you like to see feature in the music magazine?

8.       Why do you like music magazines?

9.       How often do you buy music magazines?

      I have created a questionnaire because I would like to see what my target audience like and what they're favorite parts of a music magazine are, what they're likes and dislikes are, favorite colours, house styles etc. This will then help me create a perfect music magazine for my target audience. All these answers will then hopefully help me form a magazine that also meets its genre.

The JICNAR scale

The JICNAR scale-
Joint Industry Committee for National Readership Surveys.

Media producers use this scale in order to help identify and target a specific demographic. These are the six elements to the scale:

Group A- (Professionals) Upper middle class.
eg. Barristers.

Group B- (Managerial) Middle class.
eg. Bank manager.

Group C1- (Non Manual) Lowe middle class.
eg. White collar workers like an office worker.

Group C2- (Manual) Skilled working class.
eg. Blue collar workers such as a car mechanic.

Group D- (Partly Skilled) Semi or unskilled manual workers .
eg. An assembly line worker.

Group E- (Unskilled) Casual worker or dependent on benefits.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Brand identity

Top of the pops & We heart pop 
I have shown these two very similar products to my target audience and they selected the things that they liked the most about these magazines. First of all, the bright colours and different fonts were the thing that was picked up on most as they were what grabbed there attention most. They also like the images of different celebrities on the front as it makes them want to look inside to see whats being said about them. For my magazine I would like to use a variety of fonts, bright colours and a range of different images as this is what is going to make my magazine stand out. We can see that both of these magazines cater for both 13-18 year old girls that are interested in pop music that is in the charts. You would not find people such as 'My Chemical Romance or Arctic Monkeys' in this type of magazine as they have more of an edgy look to them, they are more of a rock band and are associated with dark colours such as black, brown, dark green etc, Where as these magazines both have a variety of bright, eye catching colours that stand out and make the page more attractive and appealing to lovers of pop music. The text that they use is a non sans serif styled font that is very bold. 'Top of the pops' vary with what colour they have there title it can vary from either pink or white where as 'We heart pop' is a black text with a coloured heart.On the front of these music magazine covers there is always a large central image with is in place to draw your attention to what the main article is going to be about inside. The main image is then often surrounded by smaller images or a variety of different text which draws your attention even more to the magazine as it allows you to see what other content is inside this magazine. The institutional values is of the magazines is that it sticks to one type of music and aims to provide the audience with new information, celebrity gossip, interviews, music reviews etc.