Sunday 17 November 2013


1.       What is your favourite thing to read about in music magazines?
·         Boy bands [   ]
·         Girl groups [   ]
·         Gossip [   ]
·         Female singers [   ]
·         Male singers [   ]

2.       How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?
·         £1 - £1.99 [   ]
·         £2 – £2.99 [   ]
·         £3 - £3.99 [   ]
·         £4+ [   ]

3.       In an interview with a celebrity do you prefer?
·         Continuous text [   ]
·         Questions and answers [   ]

4.       What colour scheme do you prefer?
·         Black and white [   ]
·         Girly colours [   ]
·         Pastel [   ]
·         Warm [   ]
·         Cold [   ]
·         Primary colours [   ]
·         Bright, bold colours [   ]

5.       What is it that makes you buy music magazines?
·         The image that’s on the front cover [   ]
·         The name of the magazine [   ]
·         You normally buy this magazine [   ]
·         The headlines [   ]
·         The singers that are featured in it [   ]
·         Other [   ]
If you have selected other please state what here:

6.       What do you like to read in a music magazine?
·         Different reviews [   ]
·         Interviews [   ]
·         Fashion [   ]
·         Quizzes [   ]
·         Concerts [   ]
·         Other [   ]
If you have selected other please state what here:

7.       What artists would you like to see feature in the music magazine?

8.       Why do you like music magazines?

9.       How often do you buy music magazines?

      I have created a questionnaire because I would like to see what my target audience like and what they're favorite parts of a music magazine are, what they're likes and dislikes are, favorite colours, house styles etc. This will then help me create a perfect music magazine for my target audience. All these answers will then hopefully help me form a magazine that also meets its genre.

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