Monday 14 October 2013

My contents page and what I have learnt through out this project.

Here is my completed contents page. On my contents page I knew I had to keep the same theme throughout my magazine. My house style was Red,White and Black. First of all I added a picture in the background and faded it out. This is so that the audience isn't focusing more on the background rather than the actually contents page but its also in place so the contents page isn't plain and boring. Next I decided to add a title, I used the same style,font,colours and design as my masthead on the front page. I decided if I was carrying this on throughout then I would add the same banner that was created for my front cover. Next I simply added the issue number of the magazine and the date. These are located under the banner on either side. These were created by using the text tool. I changed the font colour to black.Next I selected a layout I had created from my rough drafts. To create this layout I simply created a rectangle with the shape tool and used the line tool t section this rectangle off. The top rectangle then got filled in red so I could add a title, I added the word 'Features' It had been bolded in black and a white stroke was added all the way around it to make it stand out more and so it stuck to the same style through out.Next in each section I used the text tool to add a large number which stood for the page number and then began to add text to say what featured on each page. Once this had been done I created another large rectangle with the shape tool and sectioned the top half off again, filed it in red and added text in the same style but this time the text said 'Interviews.' Then I added the page number and text inside the rectangle again using the text tool. Finally I decided to fill the right hand corner with two images instead of just having text as this would make the contents page more interesting and it wouldn't look as plain. First of all I copied and paste my 2 images in and cropped them so I got rid of any of the image I didn't want to keep. I then put them into place and added a black stroke around them both so it acted as a border. I then decided I wanted to add some text onto the image but when ever I added it, the colours classed with the background. I then decided to use the text tool to add the page number and the title in a bigger size in a white font with a black stroke around it so the text didn't clash with the background. Then the smaller text I wanted to add wasn't easy enough to read with a black stroke around it so I decided to try something different. As normal I used the text tool to add my white text but this time so it didn't clash with the background I used the shape tool to create a lack rectangle. I then 'sent it to the back' of my text and began to fade it out very slowly so the the rectangle became all most transparent. This rectangle then helped to make the text readable.

What I've learnt throughout this project?
Throughout this project I have learnt  variety of things. First of all I have learnt new skills of how to both create and use a blog. This has been a good thing to do as it is a different way of me presenting my work. I can also go back and edit things and make improvements in my work if they need to be done. I've also learnt how to use fireworks. My knowledge on how to use fireworks originally was very limited as I never really knew howto create anything and I only knew how to use certain tools. I have know learnt how to do things such as, create a stroke around text and images, fade things in and out, create things such as banner and pugs, how to use the shape tools etc. Learning all these things has meant that I am now able to use both blogs and fireworks both outside of school and inside of school. Now I have completed this preliminary activity I would say I am now more advance in what I can do on both my blog and on fireworks. Therefore this hopefully means that I am now more able to create more things and do more within more work due to the things I have learnt. Overall I personally think that the blog is very helpful to me as I think it is a quick and easy way of presenting my work and I can add to it as I go along, Im also able to go back and improve things. Also when creating my blog I have learnt a lot of new media terms and have been able to use them through out my blog when annotating pieces of work.

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